upgrade JBoss Tools from 2.0.1 to 2.1.0
Since JBoss Tools is a drop in plugin, you just copy the files into eclipse/plugin folder to install, I wasn't able to figure out how to remove the old version. It may not matter to eclipse but it just doesn't feel right to have multiple versions hang around. I know you can switch back and forth among different versions. But how often do you switch back? Plus eclipse is not able to recognize 2.1.0 of JBoss Tools anyways.
After fiddling with eclipse plugin management UI for a bit, I lost my patient and went with the brutal force:
So far so good. Everything is still working.
cd eclipse/plugin
ls -d org.jboss.tools.* | grep 2.0.1.GA | xargs rm -rf
Please comment if you have a better way to upgrade JBoss Tools.